TRAFEX TRAFEX Consultancy Consultancy
Managed Kubernetes Service

Managed Kubernetes Service

Want to make use of the benefits Kubernetes brings without making the investment to become a Kubernetes expert?

I bring all the expertise you'll need to migrate your application to a scalable Kubernetes cluster on your preferred public cloud provider.

This includes containerization, setting up the continuous delivery pipeline, optimizing for the expected traffic, monitoring, and maintenance.

Kubernetes deployment on Public Cloud Provider of choice
Integrated in your CI/CD pipeline
Build with Infrastructure as Code tooling
Monitoring of Kubernetes and your application
Optimized for your traffic and proven with load tests
Always up to date and follows the latest development

Why choose Managed Kubernetes Service?

Expertise & Experience

I'm bringing more than 5 years experience with Kubernetes clusters on different Public Cloud Providers running in production.

Transferable knowledge

Everything that is needed to roll out the Kubernetes cluster is configured with Infrastructure as Code tooling and provided with documentation.

Cost efficient

By making use of the experience and best practices applied to many other Kubernetes clusters in the past you can be up & running on Kubernetes in no time.

Interested? Let's chat!

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